Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Just Wing That Mother

AND another grand European adventure begins!

Our plane leaves at 6 AM, in four hours. We were going to try to smuggle some cider on board until that feckin' eejit tried to blow up a plane by lighting his ballocks on fire or whatever it was and now there's no liquids at all. Bugger.

The new countries on this tour are Denmark and Croatia. Croatia is exciting: we hear they have incredibly creative ways of getting completely annihilated there.

As for Denmark, well, there ARE rumours that Uncle Touchy has spent one previous night in Copenhagen, and if you talk to the right people they'll tell you that he may have emptied an entire bottle of Absinthe down his gullet and thrown a television out of a 5-story window. Uncle Touchy would just like to set the record straight and remind everyone of how viciously inaccurate the rumour mill can be. He also drank a beer.

Stay tuned for videos, images, and our new "scratch-and-sniff" blog entries! Mmmm!


  1. Bloom County cartoon courtesy of my writing blog ( and my wife's copy of "Billy & the Boingers".

    Good luck on the tour. =)


  2. As for Denmark, well, there ARE rumours that Uncle Touchy has spent one previous night in Copenhagen, and if you talk to the right people they'll tell you that he may have emptied his entire lovesack out of a 5-story window. Several local maids were perplexed at the manifestation of apple flavoured gue running down their flu, nine months later there has been a spate of unexplained babies with big rosy cheeked grins, hairy feet and demanding several botles an hour.

